Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Homemade yogurt
topped with ground flax seed, granola,
grapes and mango!

I love yogurt!
Since I started making my own about three years ago I have been eating it
every morning and I never get tired of it.

My first experience with making yogurt was over thirty years ago when it was a "hippie / cool" thing to do. I remember buying the starter culture and mixing it with warm milk and incubating it in a roasting pan filled with warm water. It wasn't easy. You had to be on your toes monitoring the temperature of the water, replacing it several times during the day, and no matter how closely I babied my yogurt, I often ended up with poor results. I gave up after messing it up a few times.

Three years ago I decided to give it another try, but this time I was going to buy a yogurt maker and let it do all the work. It's very easy, using a yogurt maker, to turn out a perfect batch of yogurt every time.


1. Mix 4 cups of whole milk with 1 /2 cup instant milk powder.

(You don't need the instant milk but I use 2% milk for mine and the
instant milk powder helps to make it thicker.)

2. Heat the milk to scalding over medium heat while stirring constantly
...be careful not to scorch it or you will really taste it.

3. Let it cool to luke warm
( use the baby bottle on the wrist test
...if it's too warm for a baby, it's too warm to mix with your culture)

4. Skim the top of the milk with a spoon.

5. Add your culture or reserved yogurt to a mixing bowl (one with a spout to make pouring easier). Here I am using reserved yogurt from my last batch. You can either buy a tub of plain yogurt with active bacteria cultures or pick up a package of culture for starting your first batch. I buy Yogourmet Cultures (one box contains six packages of starter) which you can find in the cooler next to the health food section of your grocery store.)

6. Slowly pour the warm milk into the reserved yogurt or culture and whisk to remove lumps.

7. Skim off bubbles with a spoon.

8. Pour into jars and place
jars in yogurt maker.

9. Plug her in.
Set the timer for six to twelve hours and go off and enjoy your day.
The longer you set the timer for, the thicker and tarter your yogurt will be. Since I like mine thick and tart, I always set mine for 12 hours, sometimes 14.

10. When done, place the jars in the refrigerator to set overnight.. I always spoon mine out of the jars and put it in a covered glass bowl and reserve 1/2 cup in a small mason jar to use as a starter for my next batch.

***The starter is only good for about one week so unless you are making a batch of yogurt every week, you will need to use a new culture the next time. Since I make yorurt every week, sometime twice a week, my reserved starter never has a chance to get old and one package of culture last me a very long time.

My yogurt maker which makes 1 liter of yogurt cost around $30.00 was a great investment
...it takes all the guess work out of making yogurt.

Good food is meant to be shared and since I hate eating alone,
I invite everyone to join me for a virtual coming together
at "Getting Back To Basics"
where we can sit around and talk about eating,
share some recipes,
photos, or quotes about food
and maybe share a few laughs as well.

So whether you're a connoisseur of fine food
or good wholesome home cooked meals,
a vegan or a "raw foodist, "
... come, join me at my table on Tuesdays for some fun.
Grab my badge and place it on your side bar with a link back to me
so more will see it and take part.
See you on Tuesday
...oh, and feel free to bring a bottle of wine to the table.

Bon Appétit!



  1. Homemade yogurt-- That's very impressive and it sounds fabulous! I eat a lot of yogurt and might give this a try.

  2. I just started making yogurt after not having made it for many years. It is so good. I love it with fruit and granola too. Right now I have some canned apricots I have been adding to it. I stopped making it when my son was in high school and would eat a whole quart of it with a jar of jam and not even leave anything to use as the starter. He is all grown up and still loves yogurt. Now he even puts it on tacos instead of sour cream.
