Friday, November 11, 2011

Eating Well

I wish I could say I eat like this all the time
...but I don't.
 I do I feel so much better when eating healthy foods that it 
baffles me why I fall off the "healthy eatin' " wagon time and time again. 
This meal was fast and super easy to prepare...just lightly pan sear a salmon fillet along with your favorite veggies and add a sprinkling of seafood seasoning...ymmmm!

Sweet Potato & Carrot Soup With Ginger & Orange

I was given this recipe for Sweet Potato & Carrot Soup With Ginger & Orange 
by one of my daycare moms
and it gets
two thumbs up!

1 comment:

  1. It's a cold and rainy night here and that soup looks like a perfect meal. YUM. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great week, xo jj
