Mom's Bread and Butter Pickles
~in my 19 year old handwriting~

Bring pickling mixture to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Add cucumbers and onions and bring to a boil.
Carefully pour into hot jars leaving 1/4 inch head space. Wipe edges of jars and place on cap and lid and hand tighten.
Place filled jars in a canner and hot bath process for ten minutes. A lot of people do not do the hot bath process when making pickles. My mom never did this step when she made pickles, nor did I until a few years ago, but it is recommended.

Happy pickling,
One jar got short changed on the pickles...not to worry...even the extra pickle juice is saved and used around here. It adds a tangy zest to coleslaw or cucumbers & cream and is the secret ingredient that makes my spaghetti sauce so good...there, the cat's out of the bag!
Happy pickling,
I love that you posted about making pickles...such great photos..and the brother wrote a song with exactly that title..a maritimer of course..we all love our pickles )))
Okay...I really need to make some pickles!! Thank you for the urge )))